Liam Morris

Committee Member

As a Principal Planner at Colliers, Liam brings close to a decade of experience in town planning to successfully deliver development outcomes.

Liam has excelled in the development industry providing advice to ASX listed companies, delivering keynotes to government stakeholders and negotiating policy decisions in both a private and public role. He has a profound understanding of the planning legislation that applies to development and seeks to foster urban growth outcomes for the betterment of his City. Liam has a deep understanding of the emerging urban and regional growth challenges and is able to lead integrated development projects from concept to execution.

Liam is a strong technical analyst, with a high capacity for problem solving and project experience in developing systemic measures to deliver both land use and strategic planning projects.

Liam is passionate about advocating for the growth of the Gold Coast as the largest non-capital city in Australia and all of the benefits that come with growth. Liam seeks to promote change to planning policy to provide more innovative solutions to deliver housing outcomes that address the evolving needs of our diverse population.

Liam is a Gold Coast local, born and bred and enjoys his running, cycling and travelling.

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